Friday, July 3, 2020

Why water & not coffee?

Why water and not coffee?
New Zealand has more coffee bean roasters per capita than anywhere in the world and some even
argue that New Zealand has the best coffee in the world. Kiwis are big coffee drinkers and sometimes
forget that coffee isn’t their daily intake of water. 
Our bodies contain more than 60% of water which means that the average person should be drinking
a minimum of 2 litres everyday, anything else we consume is extra. 
Coffee is a very popular drink consumed by people all the time, it has lots of added substances that

our body does not need. Coffee contains caffeine, caffeine is a drug which can increase heart rate and
blood pressure affecting our overall health for the worse. Drinking water keeps our body hydrated thus
it prevents a weak immunity, dry skin, headaches and in some cases, death. 8+ glasses a day will help
you maintain a hydrated body.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Why do we eat what we eat?

What influences our food choices?
The factors that influence what teenagers eat are divided into three groups, personal, interpersonal
and societal influences. Personal influences are things you do that influence your own food choices,
eg not making lunch for school. Interpersonal influences are the places, things and people involved in
your life that influence what you eat. Societal Influences are what influence what we eat when in the
wider community such as advertisements, brands ect. There are some simple classification models that
can help us get more educated on what we should eat such as the healthy heart, healthy eating for
young people, nutrition for life and more.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Friday, August 24, 2018

Adding Fractions

I didn't like being the teacher because I thought it was challenging. I would rather be taught to add fractions. Look at my presentation and see if it would help you to learn how to add fractions?